Friday, April 1, 2011

Product Review: Muji Moisturizing Milk

But there are cases where as much I don’t want to use them, my skin demands for it. I need to moisturize my skin especially during those times that I drank less water making my skin too dry like a chalk board. I am not too fair skinned, that is why a mere scratch on my dry skin is really visible. :p
Thanks to my best find (and probably the only one) at Muji – a bottle of moisturizing milk which served as my savior during my “dry” season. The top selling point for me is the non-greasy effect once it glides on my skin. I need not to worry when I’ve mistakenly poured in more than what I need in my hands as the product just seem to adjust to my skin’s needs!

Supplementary reason why I love this product is the simple and conservative approach of the packaging. As much as I love pastel colors and girly designs, I also equally like a touch of minimalist sometimes. Muji hits this theme with their all neutral color products. The bottle of the moisturizinf milk tops this minimalist thing. I love how it exudes serious ambiance because of its transparent bottle and purely white product. It is just very neat.

This bottle does not break your financial life as well. I only bought this at less than 400 bucks (not sure though if this has already increased). This is perhaps one of the few soundest prices in the entire Muji store. It is really worth the buy and the price.

Overall, I'd say that Muji moisturizing milk gave me an option to try out other alternatives other than the traditional lotion or body butter!
So, will you try this one, too?


  1. Oh sounds like a good one. Have you tried the cleansing oil? I hear it's good too :)

  2. i had major breakouts when I used the cleansing oil so I stopped using it. hehe.

  3. Oh my gosh it's already April first there? Gosh crazy time differences! Lol sorry that caught my eye as I was going through pages! Well this product seems really good!
